Study Skills Events

Years K-2 Phonics classes Do you want to help increase your K-2 child’s confidence in reading by learning phonics and letter-to-sound correspondences? The sign up for our July school holiday classes! Research has shown that success is greatly improved for reading when a child has mastered all the foundational knowledge for phonics, including learning sounds, decoding letters, handwriting, and building vocabulary. The following are activities that will be covered during the lessons: Phonemic awareness with practical examples, the phonics alphabet, phonics from letter-to-sound (for reading), phonograms and word families, handwriting – letter formation and penmanship, how to syllabicate words, and strategies for improving spelling. Years 2-6 classes Leap into Literacy is running specialised classes these school holidays to help give your Year 2-6 child the extra confidence they need when writing and presenting a speech as well as developing and acting out a play script. In the first half day course (morning session) they will learn the elements of a good speech, how to write it in a logical manner and tips on confidence when presenting their speech. All children will have the opportunity to practise and then present their speech in front of their classmates. In the second half day course (afternoon session), students will be presented with tools to help them write an engaging play script, how to bring out the personality of their characters, and will perform the script in a grand finale act with the class. Each class will be three hours long with a one-hour lunch break between. Students can opt for a full day or either half day session and can sign up for multiple days. Cost is $60 per session or $115 per day. Available for students in Years 2-6 only. Morning sessions will run from 9am-12pm and afternoon sessions from 1pm-4pm on a Mon-Wed during both weeks. To book the full day course please select the morning and afternoon sessions when booking.