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Social Science Tutors in the Sydney Region

New South Wales (NSW)

Best match results for social science tutors in the Sydney Region + 5km.

    The Bright Tutors is your dedicated ally on the journey to academic success. Our commitment lies in delivering personalized face-to-face tutoring experiences that cater to your unique needs. Whether it's in the comfort of your home, the quiet corners of your local library, or any other preferred location, our highly qualified tutors are ready to guide you towards excellence. Our tutors at The Bright Tutors understand the importance of creating a nurturing learning environment. We recognize and... Read more

    Hi! My name is Elissa and I am a passionate, enthusiastic tutor with over 3 years experience, I tutor privately from Years K-10, specialising in creative writing, spelling, comprehension and history. I am looking for eager young students to tutor. I am available on weekends any time, and can come to you! I have a Bachelor of Arts from UNSW in psychology and criminology, and am in my second year of Social Work (Hons) at UNSW. I also have a valid police check and valid Working With Children's... Read more

    Online Courses for All, Do you want an online course thats self-paced, flexible and easy to manage? We offer a wide range of affordable online courses. Read more

    Our Blue Mountains retreat centre (Katoomba Retreat) started from the idea there was a need for something different from the yoga retreats & health retreats in nsw. Nestled in a bushland setting near Sydney, its an ideal place for a holistic health retreat. A weekend getaway at our Katoomba Blue Mountains Retreat offers stimulating, inspiring, practical & effective learning materials to enhance wellness. Similar to a writers retreat, we use practical writing exercises designed to get you in touch... Read more

    Social Sciences Psychology

    Tutoring Psychology & Statistics Read more

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