Alternative Medicine Tutors in the Sydney Region

New South Wales (NSW)

Best match results for alternative medicine tutors in the Sydney Region + 5km.

    Ayur Healthcare at Parramatta, Sydney Australia offers specialized holistic treatment clinic based on Ayurveda and Homeopathy. This holistic healing centre offers consultations which are followed up with treatments and massages including Panchakarma, Udwartana, Abyanga etc. It is an opportunity to experience natural healing, rejuvenation and renewal of body and soul. Through our qualified and highly experienced practitioners, along with Yoga instructors, Ayur Healthcare offers individualized recommendations... Read more

    We offer sole to soul reflexology treatments that will help your feel relaxed, rejuvenated and healthier. Reflexology is an ancient healing modality that can enhance and re-balance your energies. Work with a qualified reflexologist that helps you find your footing on the path to wellness. Read more

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